
  • Step 1: Login
  • Step 2: Upgrade Options
  • Step 3: Backup
  • Step 4: Database Changes
  • Step 5: Convert serialized strings to JSON
  • Step 6: Convert to UTF-8
  • Step 7: Delete Upgrade.php

Overall Progress

Time Elapsed: 0 mins, 0 seconds.

Updating Your SMF Installation!

Thank you for choosing to upgrade to SMF 2.1.4. All files appear to be in place and the upgrade can now proceed.


"WEBmaster" is running the upgrade script.

The upgrade script has been running for the last 0 seconds.

The upgrade script was last updated 0 seconds ago.

We recommend that you do not run this script unless you are sure that WEBmaster has completed their upgrade.

This upgrade script cannot be run until WEBmaster has been inactive for at least 10 seconds

Admin Login:

For security purposes please login with your admin account to proceed with the upgrade.

Note: If necessary, the above security check can be bypassed for users who may administrate a server, but may not have admin rights on the forum. In order to bypass the above check, simply open "upgrade.php" in a text editor and replace "$disable_security = false;" with "$disable_security = true;" and refresh this page.