Hello all Pinto friends,or is that fiends?
First & foremost I would like to thank Bill, Connie, Brian, & anyone else that helped
me in my moment of weakness. It is people like you that make this world worth
staying in. My friend Ken Liff co-piloted Postalpony half way across Maryland, then
the fun began---The old man took over & let the string out, we had fun with the fast movers, as
they did double takes at this upstart Pinto There was this 50mph long sweeper that
we entered above 75mph I just set the car & let it run,we came out the side,& Ken
made the comment --"This is like a slot car on a rail, no body roll at all." Ken wheels
a very nice '88 turbo coupe he bought new that now has 250,000 miles & it still kicks it!
I have rested up after I got home & I feel fine. Again thanks for your concern & all
the attention, I won't forget!!
Dick Mathias Postalpony