Hi Everyone!
I wanted to take this short time to personally thank each and every one of you for sticking with us during this trying time- site transition. I also want to give a warm 'Yea Man' to all our Charter Member's, without your investment in our future the PCCA/FordPinto.com could not be as far as it is today. Your commitment to the site and it's admins has provided us the opportunity to grow and meet the Pinto Communities needs to a greater degree.
Thank You Charter Members! Thanks very much!!
Because of the Joomla database failure on the transition and my work to 'restore' our existing site I took this opportunity to move in a completely different direction alltogether. The old site existed with a tempermental balance between dissimilar script writers bridged together with software that was for the most part stable but also dictated how we could grow and expand. We were running with the 'Cadillac' of internet portals with most if not all options before us, the only probelm it was too much for the site to grasp and contend with. We are now running a MUCH simpler portal (SMF/Tiny Portal) that will meet us at our present point of growth and allow us to grow (within boundries) further as time progresses. Think of us NOW driving the 'Pinto' instead of the Cadillac.
I also want to extend my personal yea man to all the Admins who have stood by me, the site and the downtime we all experienced. I think everyone here knows that without them, we would be dead in the water. I would also like to say Thanks to my brother Geoff Hamilton, aka 'Spike'. He is the graphics genius behind our WEB Hosting company and he has always supported my infatuation, affliction with our Dad's Pinto until this day.
Join us for this exciting time ahead and more growth, more new faces, more meets, more of everything!
If we can come this far, how far can we go in the next 2 years?
To everyone, God Bless and a VERY Warm welcome to your new home,
Scott Hamilton
Hey Thank you Scott,
for making the site look GREAT and user friendly.
This is my 2500th post to the PCCA forum.
Hope to reach 10,000 B4 I Die.... ;D
From Pintony
Looking GREAT, Scott! I know it was a lot of hard work, thanx!
Hey Scott:
Great job! I know how much time it takes to make and keep up a webpage
and your team has done a fantastic job.
Thanks again for having this place for all of us to hang out.
Two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all of your efforts, Scott! Greatly appreciated and enjoyed.
Many many changes, and all for the better. We are all very lucky to have Scott, Geoff, and all the other admin folks that keep our favorite outlet alive and kicking. Really, there is no way I can personally thank you guys enough. You are my escape when I need to vent, troubleshoot, or just share. Thank you all, so very much.
I would be remiss if I did not say DITTO!!!!!!
Cant say enough! Awsome!!
Site is faster. nicely laid out and the arcade COOL! (although whats the deal with asteroids and the phantom shooter??? LOL )
Cookies and Milk for Everyone!!! Great Job!!!
Scott, FordPinto.com has never looked better! Thanks for all your time and work
on the site so everyone else can enjoy and benefit from it.
I love the new look Scott! Has nothing to do with one of my cars being on the banner at all.....This site looks classy and professional. Any one new to the Pinto world would be amazed of such an elaborate and attractive website. Great work!
I have to read 7500 more posts from Pintony? Hehe
The site looks awesome. I have been gone from the site for a while since I have been focusing on my 85 Omni GLH Turbo, but since it now needs a turbo replacement I'm shifting back to my 77 Pinto. I haven't done much with it since Carlisle 06, but with the way the site seems it should be easier for me to get more done to her.