All right every one,i should be able to get some information from the Carlisle people by the end of October.When i know something I'll let every one know.
If there is anyone interested , there are about 400 pictures of this years CarlisleFord event at .These picks were taken by a fellow club member of the United Ford owners club.Yes there are also picks of the 7 or 8 Pintos that were there. Enjoy the picks and I'll let you all know more about next year when i get some information.
OK boys and girls and every one in between.I've have been intouch with the Carlisle event people.I will be calling them tomorrow about our event.The tent will be a $150 to rent,i will take care of that.If we have 25 or more pre-regester for the event the money will be re-embersed.They will send me more info after tomorrow.This info has hotel and motel information . As soon as i get it to you guys,you should try and make your hotel,motel reservations as early as possible.Pre-regestration ends on May 5th,2006.Just go to to pre-register.More later.Harley.
Hi every one.Here is an up-date for motels for the Carlisle event.Price's run from $48 per knight to at least $160 per knight.The average is $90 per knight.To find a motel go to search and type in cheap motels in Carlisle pa.There are about 15 or 20 listed.If you want to stay at a motel 6 call this number-1-800-544-4866.You will not get a room there unless you call that number.Made my reservations there today.You need to make your motel reservations as soon as possible because they do fill up very quickly.Please pre-regester for the show before the first of May.For one it will be cheaper to do so,two this is so we can get a tent for free.If we have more than 25 cars pre-regester the money will reimbursed.Hope to see every one at the show.Harley.
This is June the 2nd through the 4th CORRECT!?!? I need to know the exact date so that I can play hookie at work LOL!!
You are correct.
OKfine. Now do I pre- register with you Or with Carlise. Who do I tell that I am gonna be there?(ain't I a pain?)
Hey Dreambean.Go to this web When you get the sight look under the pre-regestration and click on it .I believe that it is $35 for pre-regestration.They will e-mail you a conformation then they will send you one by snail-mail.Thats all you do.
So... um, what's the best way to tell my sister I'm not going to be in her wedding b/c I'm going to be at All Ford Nats? :(
Pinto won't be done by June 3rd anyways. :-\
Tell her to have the wedding at the Carlisle fairgrounds.If the wagon is driveable bring it anyway.It doesn't have to be perfect.
The Carlisle show is the first weekend in June.If you regester early by e-mail it is $35,if you wait until the show it is $45.That is for all three days for you and one other person.If you are going please regester early.That way the tent that i am going to rent might be free,and by doing it early we will have are own class set up and not with other cars like Mavericks,LTDS, Granada's and so forth.Also if you are going try and get a room now,because they fill up fast.For more information go to CARSATCARLISLE.COM.
We are all set with the tent rental.Now we just have to have at least 25 pre-registered Pinto's to get a refund on the tent.Also there will be event t-shirts.I just need to know how many people will be there and what size's they need.The shirts will be about $10 each.I am having these made up out of my own pocket,and i am not making any prophet from them.Just want to break even.Hope to see about 25 to 40 Pinto's there.We need to show people that Pinto's are still alive and running.
No your Pinto does not have to be perfect.Yes there will be show cars there and there will be cars there that are not.It's a show for all Ford people.Come join us and have fun.
Neither of ours will be show ready, but at least one will be there. We hope to win the 'poc' award.
about how many miles would it be for an Oregonian to travel to the show? I would really love to make it and meet all of the pinto enthusiasts and your cars... but it seems far away.
Quote from: whitepony on January 09, 2006, 12:38:14 PM
about how many miles would it be for an Oregonian to travel to the show? I would really love to make it and meet all of the pinto enthusiasts and your cars... but it seems far away.
Hey Whitepony
The trip is about 2600 miles from the middle of Oregon.
Get with Sagesunrise, maybe you and Her can convoy?
From Pintony
Quote from: 77turbopinto on December 20, 2005, 09:44:06 AM
Neither of ours will be show ready, but at least one will be there. We hope to win the 'poc' award.
Hey Bill,we make out like bandits.We get to hang out with the Pinto guys and the Turbo folks.Look forward to meeting you.Curtis
Hey Turbo Toy.I will be there with my turbo Rallye if i can get the body fixed to my satisfaction.It was hit in the right quarter today.
How Bad????
Quote from: pintoman on January 16, 2006, 05:01:16 PM
Hey Turbo Toy.I will be there with my turbo Rallye if i can get the body fixed to my satisfaction.It was hit in the right quarter today.
Man,that's a real bummer.How bad is it hit?
It's not real bad.There insurance company gave me a quote of $1083 and told me to get a quote from a body shop.Went to three shops today and they would not give me one because the Pinto is not in there system.The biggest problem is that the other guy hit the factory rear spoiler end cap.It is now in several pieces.Plus the paint is a custom blend.At least he missed the rear bumper and back glass.
There insurance company wants to total the Rallye.They are in for a fight.
Hey Harley,
Let them total your Pinto.
Take all your reciepts for paint and bodywork + all parts reciepts to them "COPYS" and you will get 3000.00 and buy your pinto back for 600.00 for a NET. gain of 2400.00
You never have to give up your title.
From Pintony
we're making our plans to go . just wondering if you would recommend any places to stay or not stay - based on previous experiences . does anyone know anything about the camping on the grounds ? available showers ? we do have reservation at Appalachian trail inn - can we do better or worse ? do you know of any campgrounds with cabins ?
what's there for young children to keep them occupied for 3 days ?
Hey Harley, The three of us from down here in carlisle Pa. are already pre-registered for Ford nationals. A 76' 73' 72' all coupes (we pre registered this evening 1-24-06) we need a rough estimate of people for the dinner outing . Are you interested in having a b-b-q at the fairground in the tent, Just thinking people may not want to leave the grounds because of the bikini contest, and burnout contest.
Get back to me Harley
Paul in PA.
Burn-out contest????????? hmmmmm, might have to bring the ugly old race car after all. Hey with my battered and beat up car there, No one needs to worry if their car is going to look bad, just park it next to mine and it will look like new. ;D
Hey Paul glad to here from you.As of right now looks like about 50 people,could be more just don't know for sure.But a B.B.Q. sounds good. have to check with the people at Carlisle.I will get back with you.
Quote from: dirt track demon on January 26, 2006, 06:18:23 PM
Burn-out contest????????? hmmmmm, might have to bring the ugly old race car after all.  Hey with my battered and beat up car there, No one needs to worry if their car is going to look bad, just park it next to mine and it will look like new. ;D
I think it is time to buy a street Pinto!!!!!
From pintony
Quote from: turbo toy on January 15, 2006, 12:30:27 PM
Hey Bill,we make out like bandits.We get to hang out with the Pinto guys and the Turbo folks.Look forward to meeting you.Curtis
Yep, planning on it. Looking forward to meeting you too, and a bunch of others. We are going to convoy down with Paul and maybe a few others. BTW: We will be taking 2 pintos there, we have registered 2 pintos for the event, and have a room at the holiday inn.
Hey every one.There is a small chance that the Maquire Car Crazy people might come over and see us at Carlisle.I have been in touch with them and that is what they said.It all depends on there schedule.
I'll have to remember to leave my Mothers products at home for this show.
Quote from: Pintony on January 27, 2006, 07:25:57 PM
I'll have to remember to leave my Mothers products at home for this show.
Tony, you know better than that.......... ;) ( the Shiny police :police:)
Well I guess I'll have to wrap my tub of aluminum polish in duct tape to hide the label like on TV. ;D
I guess I gotta get my car all polished up so it doesn't look as much like a big brown Good thing I only have Meguires in the
Good afternoon fellow Pinto owners. Locking down a few details,but I think I should be able to join the festivities this June. Looking foward to meeting all of you.
Good evening all. Reservations for the car are made,trailer and tow vehicle aquired. And my boss from Mac's Antique Auto got me a room! I'll be seeing you all this June,looking foward to a great time!
I need to find a tow vehicle & a trailer myself...
Still looking...
Ok group we are two months out.How many of you out there are coming to Carlisle.I need to know so we can get things planned.I will start off, I will be there bright and early Friday morning.
my wife and i and possably 3 boys willbe there sometime friday.depends how i feel after work thursday.
ME ME ME!!!!!!
I will be there, and probably 3 or 4 friends, but no pinto :'(
I'm sorry but ME is not aloud[just kidding].Bring as many Me's as you want.And Tony be careful going out west,we all want to see the Purple Pinto. ;D
Thanks Harley!
From Pintony
Reservations made at the motel and at carlsile. Interior work still in progress. Paint coming before show (I HOPE!!!)I am amped up for it. Got some extra time off from work. Now, If I could just win that dang lottery.LOL
I will be there I just hope my Pinto is too.
I'm all set,bringing a friend with me. See you real soon!
Just heard from the folks at Carlisle.The tent is a go,i do not know where on the grounds it will be set up at.And i do not know how big It will be.As of right now we 15 members that are pre-registered,hope to have even more that will show up and regester at the gate.Their will be two classes for us.One is all stock and the other is modified.I told them that Bobcats will also be part of our group.The event people are waiting to meet with us for this show.So i will see every one in two weeks.Lets have a ball. P S bring your Hotwheels and Fresh cheerys.
I'll bring em all.. as well as the radio control Pinto.
What time do the gates open on friday?
I believe the gates open at 7 am.Hey Tommy lets have breakfast there at the show.Good food good prices.
that sounds like about the time i will be ariving got home from work about 1:00 am clean up and drive about 5 hrs.
pintoman, That sounds like a winner.
Phils toys, You joining us? I can't wait to see your wagon.
I can't wait to see all the rides. Mine is still not painted but I am gonna be there.
I must admit I'm a little nervous right now. I've got the oil leak fixed but I still have to reinstall the passenger tie rod end & steering column, as well as changing the rear gear & seals. Less than a week to go & I've got quite a bit to do. :'(
Wish I could be there,but if you guys take lots of pics and put them on the site(hint.....hint),it will be like I was there
OK Here we go...
We, my wife, kids & I, will be leaving Huntsville Alabama on Wednesday Morning 10am ish traveling north on 65 to 40E to Knoxville then 81N to marion South Carolina where we will find a quick hotel for the night. Some where on route we will be stopping for a hour or 2 for Kids fun stuff on the way. Thursday morning we will continue on 81N stopping at Harrisonburg and then on to Harrisburg for the night. Arriving at the show Friday morning...
Leaving Sunday morning for home, same route...
I have managed to purchase a white 97 F250 'Plumbers Truck' at a Sherrif's auction that will be pulling a U-Haul car trailer with my 72 Wagon.
This will be a very intresting trip.
I will have my Treo with me where I can snap pictures & upload them directly to the site witout having a computer... Cool...
My Cell number is 256-682-1007 or 256-797-4238.
Looking to hook up with anyone traveling our way to the show.
I have many goodies I am bringing as well & a special award for one of our members... You need to be there to see this!
The only thing I have yet to secure is the U-Haul trailer which I will do the day before the trip.
One of my main goals will be to look around at the show for resources to solidify our Club (PCCA) and legitimize our organization as has been expressed by the Charter Members. I'm hoping to hook up with several of you to do this together.
I also have my fire extinguisher...
Quote from: DreamBean on May 25, 2006, 06:52:01 PM
pintoman, That sounds like a winner.
Phils toys, You joining us? I can't wait to see your wagon.
I can't wait to see all the rides. Mine is still not painted but I am gonna be there.
sounds like a good idea, we will see how the trip goes.
i plan on taking lap top( has dvd player for kids to watch on trip) and digital camera just need to find place to acess also upload pics.
just took it to detail shop to be as shiny as posable, we will see what a long drive does for it.
Hello Group,
I will be leaving thursday morning.
I have my FORD E350 V10 gased and ready to go.
I will be bringing my Purple Pinto on a trailer. NOT READY TO GO!!! ;D ;D ;D
Staying at the Carlisle Inn.
Cell number 1-618-339-5047.
I will bring parts for those who have need.
The front fenders from my 78 C-wagon are available and the doors are not too bad.
I have the complete dashboard that come with 78 title.
I have a used sports wheel too.
No guage pods... But I do have the guages.
From Pintony
Anyone in, or coming through CT drop me a pm, and we can see about going in a pack. We have 4 so far, leaving at 0-dark-30 Friday morning. :sleep:
Good afternoon guys,
Every thing is locked down for the trip. I'll be leaving for Carlisle Thursday (6/1) in the morning with my buddy(Mark). We'll be traveling with the Mac's Antique Auto caravan. We'll be leaving from Lockport N.Y., (Buffalo area)it's about a 6-8 hour drive. We'll be staying at te Best Western Carlisle for the weekend. I can give you my cell number when we all meet up,looking forward to meeting all of you!
Hey consfire,a bunch of us will be next door at the motel 6.
wish i could have gone guys, maybe next year. Need to find a tow vehicle. Have a great time!
I'am as ready as I'am going to be. I have new 2005 Mustang V6 wheels on my wagon. I've added a CD player & a subwoofer. I'll see all of you friday morning. Everbody have a safe trip.
Hey Boss 2300,
KOOL!!!! We will have to compare notes as I just installed some NEW stereo stuff too.
I stalled all NEW Memphis audio speakers and made a NEW box for my amps and Fosgate subs.
From Pintony
Hey Tony,nice job on the box.I was in that line of work for 21 years.See you in 5 days.Here is my cell number 614-203-9451.I will be leaving Columbus on Thursday morning,Harley.
There won't be to much to compare. Mines just Sony right out of the box & the Sony woofer I got on ebay used. It sounds ok for an old guy like me. LOL
I wanna show off my 120 MPH Ford speedometer. I'll wait until Carlisle to tell the details on it. Top secret you know. If I ever find time to update my web page
I'll put it on there. Can't wait to meet all the Pinto nuts at Carlisle.
Remember --- Put In Nickel To Operate.
Pintoman, what time are you hitting Carlisle PA. thursday nite? We might be cruising around town , thought we might stop by.
Paul in Pa.
Hey Paul.We hope to be there between 3 and 4 pm.Will be staying at the Motel 6.See you on Thursday,Harley.
I'm still not sure if I will make it to carlisle, I wont know until Fri. night if i can go(I'm 3 hrs away)
can I show up at the gate sat morning and register there and bring my pinto in?
also will there be an ugliest pinto contest(its the only thing i have a shot at winning)
Mine not shiny
Hello Joe,
I'm 99% sure you can show up on saturday and they will take your money... ;D
Talked with Original 74 Dave tonight he is in route to Carlisle and staying 20 minuets from me in a hotel.
Can't wait to see all the Pintos lined up at the show.
From Pintony
Make sure you guys take a " Ton" of pictures..........
well we made it columbia tenn after a very roughf start and we blew a lower radiator/special hose on the 5.8 F250 Truck. we are waiting on the tire company to focus on the problem...
Had another issue with the truck this morning that caused a 5 hour delay..
posting this from my treo, hard to type...
don't know if we will be back on the road tonight or not..
kids & wife are troopers at this point, will see later
another shot
Scott, sorry to hear about the truck trouble. Hope you are back on the road....... :fastcar:
Well, I never found out what the bad vibe was at the back of my car, but it goes away around 70. I test drove the car on a 40 mile trip today & all was well, so I think all will be ok. I did have to change the radio & fix the window as both were giving me fits. The window fell in the door when I was rolling it down & the radio died. Damm crapped out 8 track. I put my cassette player back in & it works ok, so all is good. I just gotta get the front wheel covers on & the door put back together. Gonna be an early day before I leave tomorrow morning.
I will leave in the morning with a bunch of other cars.Should be in Carlisle about 3 pm.
I talk to Dave[original74]He was passing through Columbus,Ohio.Every thing going fine,and is heading for Pittsburg.
We're stuck in a hotel in Tenn. The part will arrive tomorrow around 10am and they will install and have us back on the road about 12 to 2pm. we then have close to 14 hour drive (the truck only cruses about 50mph with the Pinto in tow)...
............................... :(
If anyone is passin by Tenn, I have the PCCA BANNER from Pinto Works, PCCA Buttons, PCCA Shirts, PCCA NoteBooks, Fresh Cherry's Cars, PCCA Window Stickers, & other stuff for the group..
This could turn into to a real problem,
Sorry you're having truck problems, I hope everything works out. While ive just about got my bags packed and i'll be running out the door in a few and heading to carlisle. I think the theme music for this trip will be " Magic Carpet Ride". Looking forward to meeting y'all. See ya in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not to sound mean but i hope the bad luck is ony with scott, as we are heading out in a few minutes for our all night drive. see every one in the morning and if i can find internet acess there will be lots of pictures.
phils toys :fastcar:
I had to come home for the races tonight so I thought i would post some pics for those who couldnt make it.
And some more.
anyone recognize the motor in the last picture?
Something strange going on with this maverick.
and the last few.. I am planning on going back in the morning, my memory card doesn't hold very many pic's, but hopefully i will fill it up again on sunday. Please dont let the drags get rained out again on Sunday. Everybody cross your fingers. Oh yeah I finally got my remote control pinto!!! whoop whoop.
Thanks alot for the the pictures.
I wish i could be there maybe next year we can fly out. Its a little to far to drive the wagon .Or for that matter anything.I mean its only 2700 miles
Quote from: dirt track demon on June 03, 2006, 11:39:57 PM
anyone recognize the motor in the last picture?
Hey DTD...
Look`s like you found the Purple Pinto!!!
Great pic`s...Alot of "Shiney" car`s...
Hey DTD:
Nice job with the pics. Hope you all are having fun!
I lost all my Purple Pinto pictures thanks to walmart. I had some nice shots from all side of that great little car. If anyone has any more other then what allready posted e mail them to me or post them on here. Thanks guys
shizod shizod shizod!!!! I overslept, by the time i get back to carlisle everyone will be packing up and leaving!!!!!!!!!! Damn there was a bunch more pics i wanted to get and some more souvenirs. Oh well I guess ill have to wait until next year again. Sorry I didnt get more pic's for everyone. I didnt even get to meet everybody that showed up. I had parts for pintojoeII but he either never showed up or our paths didn't cross, but I still have them.
did not make it .woke up sat morning to rain . was not going to tow out there in the rain :text_yb_sorry:
hay everyone,
We made it there and back. Just a flat tire on the way and a GREAT BIGTHANK YOU for the spare tire to make it back home( did not need it) . only stopped by a state trooper for a bad headlight on way home.He could not stop telling me how nice the car was. It was a pleasure to meet everyone there. we had a great time and looking forward to going again.
we will post a few pics as well.
Dirttrack you have done a nice job posting pictures Oh by the way most of us were there until 1:30 or a bit later today
some of us had to go through the parade to get our placks (first one :surprised:)
I just got back... ON A DAMN WRECKER!!!! My car died just outside of Wheeling West Virginia & had to have it towed home the last 130 miles or so. I'll let you all know what happened.
Follow the link to see my slide show of PCCA Pinto's at Carlisle.
Enjoy. I had a good time meeting & getting to know all of you that I had a chance to speak with.
Nice Job!!! By the way all, I figured out the problem. The car cannot run without fuel. No I wasn't out of gas. Harley (pintoman) can testify to I thought it was the fuel filter so I changed it, but the filter does no good if the pump does not pump the gas. It's not that old so I'm gonna pull it off & get it warrantied out.
Well, in case everyone does not yet know... I was forced to turn around and head back home due to more truck problems.. so I missed the show... I FedEx all the stuff to Tony Peterson and he was able to get it to everyone on Sunday Morning/ Afternoon...
I'm really sorry I was not able to be there & meet and greet everyone properly...
It really looks like a great showing, I can kick myself for not seeing Dave's car in person & who's yellow 72 is that in the photos?
What a great weekend,got back home ok. It was great to meet all of you. Scott. sorry that you couldn't make it we all missed you! As I've always said Pinto people are the nicest folks you could meet! I'll miss all of you,till next year ... SHINEY IS GOOD! and have a Pinto day
Connie and I wish to give a big THANKS to all the people that helped put that togeather, all those that were able to attend, and to all those tried their best to be there. It was also great to meet so many of "us" in person. We had a great time and WILL be back, and we also hope to get to more shows.
We got home last night about 9:30.
Matt, sorry to hear that you had problems getting home; We are glad you got there and can get 'er back on the road soon.
I will get some pic's posted soon.
Wow, what a great bunch of Pintos.Scott, sorry to hear you did not make the show. I would like to know who the pintos belong to, that is, name the car/owner. It would be great to place a name ( or even a face) to a car.
Well, I own the brown one & my name is Matt. Please excuse me while I go & get it ( I'm actually serious though) :'(
Great job with the photo's, thanks for posting them so promptly. What a great event, we really enjoyed ourselves. What a great group of folks. Sorry to hear about Matt's fuel pump troubles. We had a safe and uneventful trip home and ran with CB radios in our cars. I sweat every trucker from Harrisburg to Hartford had some comment about the creamsicle. I'm looking forward to next year. I hope we have an ever growing turnout to promote our cars and our club.
Thanks for your sympathies Connie. Yours was a damn good looking Pinto & it gave our years (77-78) good representation. Harold II should be up & running soon hopefully. She has a full tank of gas while my Corolla is on empty. DTD it was nice meeting you & the shots were great. I've gotta get my pix to a store to get developed & onto a picture disk so I can upload them to all you guys here.
Update on the car... I pulled the pump off & fuel spilled out the lines. When that happened it hopefully confirmed that the pump is bad. The fuel was there before the pump but nothing after the pump. Going now to get it warrantied out.
Some Pic's
Man, I was redder in the fae than I thought. I was the short one next to Harley.
We bought the photo getting the plaque from the beauty queen. I was looking at it this morning and saw that the plus signs on the wheels were perfectly aligned for the occasion. What luck. A few of you will know what I'm talking about and will get a good laugh.
I wish to thank every one for coming out.Even for the ones who's cars did not make it.I felt bad for leaving Matt along the freeway,i was leading in a rain storm and did not see him pullover.I am glad he made it home OK and that the car will live again.I will get a list of winners in the next day or so.Lost the results,have to figure out who's who.The pictures are great and i thank PINTONY for dropping the doors off at my place on his way back.
Thanks for giving me your number before we headed out Harley. I got the car running today, bu it's running very poorly. Something else had to have gone wrong since it's running badly. Oh well. Atleast Harold II went around 800 miles or so without any problems. I still had fun even with the car problems the last 140 miles & was glad to meet all of you guys. Like you said Harley, the car will run again, although slightly wounded. I got mad at it today & kicked the crap out of the LF fender. Good thing it's rusty anyways.
hey 77Turbopinto....Who owns the white Pinto in your photos?..Thats my kind of clean look I am going for. Do you have any more photos of that car? And the Engine compartment. Thanks, Dave
Good evening to all my new friends,
It's Monday night and I'm still on cloud nine,got home last night about 10 PM unloaded the car off the trailer and couldn't get to sleep so I posted a long thread on my local car club site(WNYCARCLUBS.COM) and the little one here, finally went to bed around 3 in the morning. Got up this morning at 8 and had so much energy I didn't slow down the whole day. boy,what good weekend will do for 'ya! Scott,I'm quite sure the Pinto you are asking about is my '71. Sorry to hear about Matt breaking down,glad he got home alright. Harley,a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for doing a great job on the planning and seeing that we all had a really good time(my buddy Mark had a great time too!). Pintony,thanks for the goodie bag and bringing the purple Pinto it's really nice! See you all real soon!
Yeah, yours really was a nice Pinto. But to be honest all of them there were. It was nice to meet everyone & I'm glad to say that you guys are a great bunch of people. None of you looked down on mine & have shown nothing but concern & what not regarding my breaking down on the way. Rest asured I will Not rest until my car is back on the road. No matter how painful it is to her. She will be back next year. & I already have a couple people who want to come & see all the great Pintos ( and the rest of the other fords too ) Yes I wish she woulda made the trip in one piece, but she didnt, so now I'll just find out what the heck went wrong & fix it. Got my pix developed today so I'm gonna get 'em scanned & posted.
The pictures are great sofar here are a few more 2 from the burn out compition and one on the dyno
ok now the dyno
& on the back of that Pinto at the burnout competition... KA-BOOM!!
Hello Group,
Here is a group shot infront of the tent and the banners that were made for the group.
Top row. Left to right.
Paul, w/better 1/2 on rhs, Blue green Pinto "Tornado" V8.. Pa.
Dennis, Silver C-Wagon 2.3 turbo... Fuel ,Pump problems kept Dennis out for most of Saturday but arived ready to show off his stereo on sunday.
Thanks for playing the Rollin in my Pinto for me....
Steve, Runner-UP in my contest 18 correct answers.Pa.
John, White 74 Pinto White W/blue interior and race 2.3 Pa.
Somebody help me out with this fellows name???
Harley... Blue 79 Rallye Oh. 2005+2006 Pinto nationals
Matt, Brown 77 sedan Oh.
Connie, Tangarine 78 Pinto Ct.
> WINNERS OF THE SNAP ON TOOL!!!!! 18 1/2 correct answers. Nice Job, Bill and Connie!!!...
Bill, Desert Sand 77 Pinto Ct.
Again, I do not know this fellows name. Somebody help me out..
Dick an his better 1/2.... White 1979 2.3 POSTAL Sedan. Oh. 05+06 attendance
Tommy "Dream Bean" from Tenn. with his white and blue DYNO tested 2.3 Turbo 05+06 attendance.
Original74 Dave "Playboy Playmate" Hounddog 1974 all original Tangarine Pinto. Tulsa OKlahoma.
Bottom Row
Mike and his son Just back from Iraq.... Ohio... 05+06 attendance Thanks for making the event T-shirt Mike
Phil and Family.... White "WOODY" Bobcat. From Pa,These Boys really know how to CHEAT at the hotwheel races... ;D
Wayne from Ohio with his better 1/2 Hurricane ravaged C-wagon still in storage 2005-2006 attendance.
ME on the end.
Hope you guys all had fun...
Wish I would have had time to talk more with everyone.
Sorry about the forgotten names.
From Pintony
Pintony your welcome. I'll have to post a link for the other pinto song I played. My Ford Pinto Car. Glad to hear everyone made it home safe so far. There is still 1 on the road heading home.
That would be original74. i had to check for his name. sorry
Tony: Sorry, but Connie's car is a '78. I know you deal more with the older ones, no big deal.
Quote from: 77turbopinto on June 06, 2006, 08:49:25 AM
Tony: Sorry, but Connie's car is a '78. I know you deal more with the older ones, no big deal.
Hey Bill,
I fixed Connies year issue and announced the winners for the Snap on tools.
I was getting pretty tired last night and just figured I would fix my errors today.
Thanks for the help and for being a BIG part of the meet....
From Pintony
You are quite welcome Tony. You did a bunch more than we did and thank you too.
When we found out that we won, the first question I asked is "What 2 did we get right?" That was a tough quiz, and most of our answers were pure guesses. I will study more for next time.
Found this on the web today. Yes, it is Connie's. Wish it was a little better, but....¤t=carlisle2006065.jpg
that was not cheating that was dominating :fastcar:
also we are from PA ( very close to N.Y.) Phil and Family.... White "WOODY" Bobcat. From New York,These Boys really know how to CHEAT at the hotwheel races...
I hear ya Phil. The hot wheels races were fun though. With that & all the other things it was a great time. It's a shame we can't do that more than once a year.
I am glad that everyone had a good time.I would like to thank the UNITED FORD OWNERS car club for donating the plaques that we gave away.We also still have plenty of the event T-SHIRTS if anyone wants one.They are 12$ each,just let me know or 68cyclone and we will get them to you.I have allready started my Carlisle fund for next year.Again thanks to everyone,and i have made many new friends and can't wait until next year.
One more thing ,i want to thank everone who helped out with the tent rental donations.It was most appreciated.Thats a double for you Dave.
They had a Starsky and Hutch class; I will give a dollar to someone that paints a pinto the same way, and enters the car in that class at Carlisle next year.
wally world spray paint here I come!! just kidding, although it would be cool to see a starsky & hutch pinto scheme there.
Here are the results of the voting of the classes that we had. Best Engine- PINTONY Best Interior- DAVE HERBECT Best Paint-CONNIE RAINEY Most Potential-MATT MENTOR Best of Show-PAUL ALBERTS And finally Old Farts Pick went to CONNIE RAINEY.Give every one a big hand they deserved the awards.
So, was there about 16 pintos? Hmm just about as many as the West Coast show....... ;D
Umm Harley, just one correction.. it's Matt Manter, instead of Mentor. I tell ya over the hears there have been some wierd spellings of my last name, & that's a new one for the
Kinda sad ain't it? Mine won Most potention & it's the one that's sitting in the driveway dead.
I think Pa hates me. So far I'm 4 for 4 cars having problems after I drove them to Pa. Toyota almost lost a wheel & blew a motor, Celebrity lost a fuel pump & later motor, Kia lost a tranny twice after the trip- no problems before & finally the Pinto. It died with 130 miles to go & I've yet to get it going again, although I am coming close.
Quote from: 77turbopinto on June 07, 2006, 12:07:44 PM
They had a Starsky and Hutch class; I will give a dollar to someone that paints a pinto the same way, and enters the car in that class at Carlisle next year.
here is one that is close he tried to make it this year but could not find a room, it would have been nice to have a travel partner
Hay Matt PA dont hate you just dont want you to leave :stop: ;D
Hey Gang:
Carlisle was a blast; Great to meet fellow Pinto Nuts.
I still have 2nd Annual T-shirts left (XL and XXL) @ 12.00 each including shipping. Let me or Harley know if you want one.
Idea= How about 3 pinto meets each year? One on the west coast, around April, (Knotts Beery), one East, June (Carlisle), and one in the Midwest around Sept. (TBD).
What do you THink?
Remember Race Car spelled backwards is Race Car.
Thanks to all who voted for my car (best paint) and especially to the old farts (geez I hate to use that term). The OFG Choice award meant a lot to me. You guys have been around and I still have a lot of dues to pay before I'm in your league. My 62 year old brother in law with a '46 Ford pick-up street rod is coveting the t-shirt. He'll have to pry it off my cold dead back. I think a West, Cental and East meet is a great idea. Being in CT, I don't know how far west we'd go but we'd certainly offer whatever support, ideas and resources we can.
Tommy & Sherry Burrell, Greer, South Carolina 1980/76 Turbocharged 2300, 5 speed, 3.73 *special Two tone*(LOL) "Long Distance award"(568 miles driven) I don't know where to start to thank all those who put such a great effort into such a great show. Or to thank all those that I got to meet. The Cars and The people are out of this wourld. We had a Blast. Sorry to hear about all those who had troubles and could not make it.We know that you where there in spirit. We left Monday mourning and drove the Shenandoah parkway to the Blue Ridge Parkway. I like to call it the Pinto on the Parkway trip. I have now traveled the parkway(at one time or another) the complete distance. My goal is to do it ALL at one time in the Pinto.
Did some one forget to post a picture of this??
I am all for a Midwest meet and will even organize the event. I have posted a couple of ideas for the 2008 Pinto Nationals taking place in the Milwaukee area but if you want a Fall show, let's do it. I just wish I could have made it to Carlisle but with a new job, I did not have the vacation time and really dont trust driving my wagon that far.
Just let me know what you think about a show here
Glad everybody made home. I didn't get to spend as much time getting to meet everyone as I wanted to, I spent friday and saturday burning paychecks, and I was planning on spending sunday hanging out and shootin the breeze, but it didnt happen. What was in the goodie bags anyway?
beer bottle openers, budweiser magnets, fresh cherries pintos, magazines. But no beer to go with the openers.
What's up with that?
r4pinto You forgot to mention the coloring books
look in the bric-a-brac section under fun stuff and the Pam and Pete in pinto land was reproduced for the show and the PCCA logo was incorporated into it on a car.
Oh yes. The coloring books. My boss's kid as well as my friends kid both love coloring in the Pintos. I have begun to corrupt the next generation.
Hey y'all It looks like a great time was had by all. I'm glad this years meet was headed up by more experienced people. I only wish i'd been able to take my 'Lil Horse up there. You know how it goes , it's all a matter of time & money. I had the time & no money LOL. All the cars I've seen look great.
Hey Dreambean, what'd ya pull on the dyno? Inquiring minds ya know.
Are we shooting for the 3rd annual? Maybe @ Carslile again, or maybe a more central usa locale?
Hey Crazyhorse.I think you did a great job last year.We all had a fantastic time in Pigeon Forge.Yes we are shooting for Carlisle again next year.Lets double our attendance next year.
Quote from: pintoman on June 16, 2006, 06:25:25 PM
Hey Crazyhorse.I think you did a great job last year.We all had a fantastic time in Pigeon Forge.Yes we are shooting for Carlisle again next year.Lets double our attendance next year.
So, I'm little confused. Are you guys saying you are "going to Carlisle for the show" or are you saying " you are going to Carlisle for a event"????????
I was disappointed with the numbers. BUT for a Stock ride and what it runs at the track, I am told I should me happy. Now I have a base number to start with before I proceed in a manner which may take me to the nut house, divorce court and the poor house.
I hope you are feeling well now. I am so glad that we got to chat again.(us country boys gotta stick together)
Hey turbopinto72.We are going next year for the show and the Ford event.Just like this year,we were there for are gathering and he all Ford nationals.Carlisle is a great place to get together with friends and other Pinto nuts.As far as i could tell everyone had a great time and they wanted to come back next year.So come over,up,or down for next years meet and have fun.
Quote from: pintoman on June 17, 2006, 03:39:32 PM
Hey turbopinto72.We are going next year for the show and the Ford event.Just like this year,we were there for are gathering and he all Ford nationals.Carlisle is a great place to get together with friends and other Pinto nuts.As far as i could tell everyone had a great time and they wanted to come back next year.So come over,up,or down for next years meet and have fun.
Just to clear it up. What are you calling the " event" ?
Quote from: crazyhorse on June 15, 2006, 07:04:28 PM
Hey y'all It looks like a great time was had by all. I'm glad this years meet was headed up by more experienced people. I only wish i'd been able to take my 'Lil Horse up there. You know how it goes , it's all a matter of time & money. I had the time & no money LOL. All the cars I've seen look great.
Hey Dreambean, what'd ya pull on the dyno? Inquiring minds ya know.
Are we shooting for the 3rd annual? Maybe @ Carslile again, or maybe a more central usa locale?
Hey CrazyHorse:
I'd just like to say that I agree with Pintoman; the '05 Meet was great!
WE had a BLAST!!
In "07 @ Carlisle we can double the attendance and have even more fun than we did this year!!!! (rembember IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING "NO FEAR", YOU'RE NOT GOING FAST ENOUGH OR HAVING ENOUGH FUN!!!!!!
Good evening folks,
Check out this web link.. HTTP:// Looks like the Carlisle Productions Group might be selling the grounds to the U.S. Army. I'm going to keep an eye on this for any new news.
the link was invalid.
how bout this (
Yo Matt ,
That would be the one! Thanks!
Quote from: r4pinto on June 18, 2006, 10:23:13 PM
how bout this (
Quote from: turbopinto72 on June 17, 2006, 08:21:07 PM
Just to clear it up. What are you calling the " event" ?
I did not get any responce to my question. Does that mean you will not be calling this a sanctioned event? ???
i was just wondering how every one is doing with the coloring books?
i passed out about 300 during a parade today.
Hay scott let me konw if yould like a few. i still have a bunch.
Quote from: turbopinto72 on June 24, 2006, 07:13:08 PM
I did not get any responce to my question. Does that mean you will not be calling this a sanctioned event? ???
It doesn't appear that anyone has an answer to your question. I think I understand what you are asking though. Since no one has voted where to have the 2007 meet,yet. I would say that they cant call it the meet until it has been thru the voting process. Is this where the confusion is?
I was under the impression it was voted at the pinto meet this year. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Could be, but who knows
I would like to see it at carlisle again, BUT it wouldnt be fair to the good folks out on the west coast. I personally like the idea of it being in a different part of the country every year, so that all members get a chance to go to one, without having to remortgage their homes to go. Think about it, in a car that gets 30 mpg it would be around 350 bucks worth of gas just for someone in Cali to drive all the way here to the show, not to mention food, lodgings, unexpected problems along the way, Imagine the expense of towing their pintos to Pa. I couldnt afford to go to the pigeon forge one, so I waited til this year when it was closer and more economically feasible. And I imagine that the people out west are waiting for the same thing.
Just my 2 cents, But i dont think it is fair that the decision as to where to have the meet next year be decided by the FEW of us that showed up at Carlisle and not the entire group. Every member should have the chance to vote, we do live in a democracy after all. If I'm out of line here please tell me.
I am more than willing to have the group decide were to have the next gathering.I also believe that there should be a west coast gathering and a east coast one and that they all be sanctioned by PCCA.This country is to big to have every one make it to just one event,even though it would be assume if they could.I for one will still attend Carlisle next year and somewhere in the middle of this great country of ours if that is what the group wants.I would like to attend a gathering on the west coast if i have the money and time to do so.So if there is anyone out there that wants to set up a place to meet next year somewhere in the middle ,please speak up and let the group decide.If all goes well i will be there.I plan on going to as many Pinto meets as i can.Everyone speak up so we can start making plans now.PINTOMAN[HARLEY].
Good, we are having discussion. I think we should talk about it and have as many people way in as possible.
We can all meet in Cancun and leave our Pintos behind???????
Heck bring the Pintos.They will be the best cars there.
I feel its time for one out west, 2 years ago it was discussed and agreed upon to have the meet in a different part of the country every year.
It is time for a west coast event.
It is only fair.
No-one is saying that there cant be regional gatherings, but as far as the once a year NATIONAL gathering it was agreed upon to be in a different location each year. Check the archives if you dont agree.
But the cancun idea does sound pretty cool. ;)
FYI, There is serious discussion regarding regional events with the AdMin. Stay tuned.