Pinto Car Club of America Cryer => PCCA Meet/Car Show Archive => 2010, 6th National Western Regional Pinto Meet Knotts Berry CA- Archive => Topic started by: Pangra74 on May 01, 2010, 02:17:38 AM

Title: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: Pangra74 on May 01, 2010, 02:17:38 AM
I thought we had 30 cars but the video has 29. Here is the low res version. I just noticed that the last car was cut off. will have to fix. (

The hi res version will be on Youtube shortly.

The music is from a disco band I was in in 1974-76

We did an album on Brunswick Records

Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: bigfoot on May 01, 2010, 09:45:00 AM
Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: RSM on May 01, 2010, 10:31:31 AM
Kool video...I'll be there next year!!
Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: Pangra74 on May 01, 2010, 12:44:04 PM

This one is on youtube. A little better quality I think.


PCCA at Fabulous Ford Sunday_HD.mpg (
Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: blupinto on May 01, 2010, 02:01:43 PM
WOW! Joe, I didn't know you were a musician! Great video and fantastic music!  FAR OUT MAN! :afro:
Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: Norman Bagi on May 04, 2010, 04:44:33 PM
Joe, what instrument did you play?  Pretty damn good disco song, can we get a reunion concert at the 40th.  Maybe we can get a revolving stage and secure that disco ball Pinto to apin while you guys play! On another note, I sure hope you California Pintos make it out to Carlisle, wheather you travel with us or not, we eally need you there.
Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: Pangra74 on May 04, 2010, 05:06:11 PM
I've been a trombonist since 8th grade (1968). I now do jazz standards as a vocalist and trombonist, Sinatra style stuff. ( is my music website.

I have my heart set on Carlisle.

Title: Re: Knotts Video up on Photobucket
Post by: Norman Bagi on May 05, 2010, 09:54:21 PM
Pretty sweet Joe,  I was checking out the video section.  Great instrument, very cool.