Pinto Car Club of America Cryer => PCCA Meet/Car Show Archive => 2010, 6th National Western Regional Pinto Meet Knotts Berry CA- Archive => Topic started by: blupinto on January 26, 2010, 11:07:07 AM

Title: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: blupinto on January 26, 2010, 11:07:07 AM
Hi All,

        Last year I volunteered to help stuff goodie bags and enjoyed the camaraderie (but not the few gripers!) of these fine car folks. I got to meet Alberto, Joe and his lovely bride from Morgan Hill, Alrobot and his kids, and others I can't remember. My baby Green Meanie met her sister too! Anyway, will we be called to do that again? If so I want to volunteer! Who's with me... if we're called to duty?  ;D
Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Pintopower on January 26, 2010, 02:07:04 PM
Talk about pride! You are awesome! Yes, I am certain that the bag stuffing will go on but as of now, I have not heard anything from the council. Soon as I do, I will post here!
Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Alrobot on February 18, 2010, 09:36:08 AM
I am definitely interested in this again. The kids and I had such a good time talking to you all about Pintos. I have one issue about the show this year though, it falls on my wifes birthday. Sure she puts up with my Pinto talk and wrenching, but I am having a really hard time convincing her to go to a car show for her birthday. Any help or ideas would be awesome. I was thinking of trying to convince her we would go to Mrs Knotts chicken resturaunt for dinner, but I want to spend more time at the show. It might be easier if my Wagon was ready, but not so much. Let me know if you have any ideas, and if the bag stuffing is on again.

Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: vonkysmeed on February 21, 2010, 11:14:59 PM
Quote from: Alrobot on February 18, 2010, 09:36:08 AM
I am definitely interested in this again. The kids and I had such a good time talking to you all about Pintos. I have one issue about the show this year though, it falls on my wifes birthday. Sure she puts up with my Pinto talk and wrenching, but I am having a really hard time convincing her to go to a car show for her birthday. Any help or ideas would be awesome. I was thinking of trying to convince her we would go to Mrs Knotts chicken resturaunt for dinner, but I want to spend more time at the show. It might be easier if my Wagon was ready, but not so much. Let me know if you have any ideas, and if the bag stuffing is on again.


Good luck on that one.  I would say that if she accepts your hobby all year, you may want to do what she wants on that day.  Try to do somthing the day previous, but that may not work.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Pintopower on February 22, 2010, 05:44:31 PM
Ok Folks,

The bag stuffing is at the grassy area at the Knotts parking lots where it was last year. It will be on:

April 24th at 9 am until all bags are stuffed!

Can't wait to see you there! Wear your Pinto shirts also. If you don't have one, shame on you! Buy a shirt already!

Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Pintopower on February 23, 2010, 10:25:36 PM
Goody Bag Stuffing Party on Saturday, April 24, 2010
Ford clubs and automotive-related organizations are welcome to participate in this event the day before. If you have something other than just a standard 8-1/2x11 flyer (folded or stapled is ok), please contact us for approval. We only want items that are of interest to our FoMoCo owners.

You'd want to arrive at Knott's about 10:30-10:45 a.m. as we stuff starting at about 11:00 and it runs until about 1:00. Complimentary lunch is served afterwards, and we'll have some bottled water for you during the stuffing.

The best entrance will be off northbound Beach Boulevard just south of LaPalma on the east side of Beach. This is just north of the Independence Hall and Water Park. As you go in the gate, tell them you're with the Ford Show and you can park for free... ask for directions, but it's basically straight ahead and to your right.

The Goody Bag Stuffing Party is held in the grassy "ballpark/picnic" area just on the north side of the Gold Rush Camp. You will be able to park in a space near the entrance of that area (look for a lot of Fords), on the north side and walk in ... you'll see canopies and one stretch of them will have tables laid out and a bunch of people and a truck at the finishing end of the line.

It's a casual, social event, but we need the goodies to arrive early. We'd only need one or maybe people to hand out your flyers... basically it's an assembly-line and you stand in one place while others go down the line and build-up their piles. If you have extra bodies that can help out, that's great.

Details subject to change. (
Click on "Vendors".
Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Pangra74 on April 21, 2010, 12:20:29 AM
I'll be bringing all the shirts I have if anyone is interested.

Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: blupinto on April 21, 2010, 12:38:42 AM
Are you bringing stickers too? ;D
Title: Re: Bag Stuffing Saturday...Is It On?
Post by: Pangra74 on April 21, 2010, 09:34:54 AM
I don't sell those...