While talking with Scott because we wanted to head off any possiblity of people just joining to sell parts, all new members will have limited access until they reach 10 posts and at that time they will have full privledges including selling parts.
We want this place to remain a place where Pinto people help other Pinto people so we all can enjoy our cars, not just to push parts.
Yes it is a small changes but hopefully it will help the site. Any thoughts or issues contact Scott, I am just the messenger.
Does this change make it to where they can't use the Shout box? I have a member that may not be able to use it! I'm not sure, for sure, though, I am still trying to figure that out. Just thought I'd ask since I found this post!
Quote from: hellfirejim on January 10, 2010, 10:12:31 AM
While talking with Scott because we wanted to head off any possiblity of people just joining to sell parts, all new members will have limited access until they reach 10 posts and at that time they will have full privledges including selling parts.
We want this place to remain a place where Pinto people help other Pinto people so we all can enjoy our cars, not just to push parts.
Really ? ? ?
again last night I was emailed, somone found my site and was asking for help, this happens from time to time. Seems he has a 1972 Sprint he's looking for information on value, asking price, where to sell, etc...
so of course the first thing I tell him is to join "this site" and post it for sale only to find out today that's not an option for him. He's not "Pinto People" but has something us "Pinto People" may be interested in.
so... in essence what is being said is... all you non-pinto people.... stay off this site... FordPinto.com members don't want thoes cars and parts you have stashed away.
I for one am thankful to all thoes non-pinto people who have "stuff" for sale. To me this helps us Pinto People when looking for cars, parts, etc...
guess I'll have to keep that in mind for the future... If I get contacted again I can't send the non-pinto people here... they are not welcome, the cars they have stashed away, parts left over from past projects, etc... not wanted here.
Really? ? ?
sorry this sounds harsh... I wanted it to... just so it would be considered how the non-pinto person that has something to sell... maybe something rare... something we would all be interested in buying... like a Sprint Pinto, a hot pants kit, A former race motor, etc... how would that non-pinto person feel if he tried to sell it here! where it should be!
anyhow... just my humble opinion...
I wander how many good parts will end up in the trash because of this hurtle?
I tried to help that fellow yesterday he asked if it was rare i said yes sir.. and he also asked how many where made ,,,that i didn't know that answer,anyway i did try to give him some help i sent him a link to a few site`s to search
but cookieboy how do you really feel about this. ;D sorry i could resist. You do have a good point.
Yup- Brian has a good point, Something that Jim & I kicked around... I never was fond of post count restrictions but in this case I agreed with Jim that we need to give it a try. Again this is a trial period to see how it 'floats'.. We need to watch the Classifieds or other areas and determin if this is a hinderance or a help- Need everyone's feedback... Please PM me with your thoughs and ideas...
Specifically, New Members cannot post Polls, Post attachments, add Links, add Classified Content, Comment on Gallery Phots until the 10 Post count is reached. They have complete access to every other 'regular' (non Charter and Above) Members privies...
As an added note- I PMed the individual that was utalizing the shout Box asking for help on his sprint value with more specific information... Sounds intresting...
Quote from: Cookieboystoys on January 10, 2010, 12:28:28 PM
Really ? ? ?
again last night I was emailed, somone found my site and was asking for help, this happens from time to time. Seems he has a 1972 Sprint he's looking for information on value, asking price, where to sell, etc...
so of course the first thing I tell him is to join "this site" and post it for sale only to find out today that's not an option for him. He's not "Pinto People" but has something us "Pinto People" may be interested in.
so... in essence what is being said is... all you non-pinto people.... stay off this site... FordPinto.com members don't want thoes cars and parts you have stashed away.
I for one am thankful to all thoes non-pinto people who have "stuff" for sale. To me this helps us Pinto People when looking for cars, parts, etc...
guess I'll have to keep that in mind for the future... If I get contacted again I can't send the non-pinto people here... they are not welcome, the cars they have stashed away, parts left over from past projects, etc... not wanted here.
Really? ? ?
sorry this sounds harsh... I wanted it to... just so it would be considered how the non-pinto person that has something to sell... maybe something rare... something we would all be interested in buying... like a Sprint Pinto, a hot pants kit, A former race motor, etc... how would that non-pinto person feel if he tried to sell it here! where it should be!
anyhow... just my humble opinion...
Well, Isn't success Wonderful? In the time since I joined this site and groups (in 1999) few people thought we were just a "fringe" group of car enthusiasts. My friends in the racing world in the '80's , thought I was off the Reservation (Still Debatable :surprised:0) for racing one.
Brian has a Valid points and Scott and Jim are right to be concerned about E Clutter on the site.
The wonderful consequence of all of our hard earned efforts to own , restore, repair , and promote this marque & Socialize with people is that we'll get BIGGER as a special interest group. Some entrepreneurs will step up and we get new parts sources.
The Sprint value thing is now a "collector car issue" VIN numbers will mean a lot, and Like Shelby or GTCS Mustangs. The market will decide, I for one, would gladly burn up some Useless Obama Bucks in the effort to resurrect a Sprint or Group 2 Pinto. The market will now decide whether a rare Pinto can be of interest to the English Ford Collector (i.e. Cortina , and Escort bretheren)
Sound off , it's your Interest group
Historically Yours,
I have to agree with Brian too. Perhaps these folks shouldn't get a Welcome To The Site salutation , like in the New Members column, but it would be a shame for these otherwise "non-Pinto people" to not advertise and give us Bona Fide "Pinto people" first dibs on cars and accessories. Otherwise it may be a bidding war on ebay. Or the ol' circular file...
forgot to add...
They shouldn't get the Welcome Mat til their first 10 posts. There. Clarified that.
Now... where's the arcade!? :o
FYI- The restriction for the 10 post count before you can post a classified has been lifted...
Overwelmingly the PMs were opposed to this rule...
That's Cool... No Problem,
All post count restrictions are out- only Group restrictions as before remain...
Thanks Scott! This helps us Pinto addicts get more Pintos from the people who join just to unload an unwanted Pony!! ;D
Kim ,
I agree with your philosophy on this ;D Let freedom ring, let the market sing, But don't let your engines ping! Big tents folks, always big tents..
Pintosopher.. 20 mule team strong!
Just talked to a guy in Vancouver that has a 78 for sale ,,,he seen the site before i talked to him so,,i told him to list it here, so this will work out good for him now .....Cars on graigslist if anyone wants to see it ...There a 80 on there to that looks in great shape to...I can look at these cars for anyone as well and give them my 2 cents worth......
hi i have a 72 sprint for sale tsanderson13@yahoo.com for picts.
Where is it? Cali?
ALL profiles should list where the person lives! Its a really big waste of time to want to buy an item only to later find out its 3000 miles away and the postage would cost more than the item. Why would a member not want other members to know where they live?????? Black Suburbans / Helicopters????? X-Files?????