Hello Group,
Here is a group shot infront of the tent and the banners that were made for the group.
Top row. Left to right.
Paul, w/better 1/2 on rhs, Blue green Pinto "Tornado" V8.. Pa.
Dennis, Silver C-Wagon 2.3 turbo... Fuel ,Pump problems kept Dennis out for most of Saturday but arived ready to show off his stereo on sunday.
Thanks for playing the Rollin in my Pinto for me....
Steve, Runner-UP in my contest 18 correct answers.Pa.
John, White 74 Pinto White W/blue interior and race 2.3 Pa.
Somebody help me out with this fellows name???
Harley... Blue 79 Rallye Oh. 2005+2006 Pinto nationals
Matt, Brown 77 sedan Oh.
Connie, Tangarine 78 Pinto Ct.
> WINNERS OF THE SNAP ON TOOL!!!!! 18 1/2 correct answers. Nice Job, Bill and Connie!!!...
Bill, Desert Sand 77 Pinto Ct.
Again, I do not know this fellows name. Somebody help me out..
Dick an his better 1/2.... White 1979 2.3 POSTAL Sedan. Oh. 05+06 attendance
Tommy "Dream Bean" from Tenn. with his white and blue DYNO tested 2.3 Turbo 05+06 attendance.
Original74 Dave "Playboy Playmate" Hounddog 1974 all original Tangarine Pinto. Tulsa OKlahoma.
Bottom Row
Mike and his son Just back from Iraq.... Ohio... 05+06 attendance Thanks for making the event T-shirt Mike
Phil and Family.... White "WOODY" Bobcat. From Pa,These Boys really know how to CHEAT at the hotwheel races...
Wayne from Ohio with his better 1/2 Hurricane ravaged C-wagon still in storage 2005-2006 attendance.
ME on the end.
Hope you guys all had fun...
Wish I would have had time to talk more with everyone.
Sorry about the forgotten names.
From Pintony