Author Topic: 2 Months until we Stampede!!!!  (Read 5102 times)

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Offline Norman Bagi

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2 Months until we Stampede!!!!
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:00:00 AM »
Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like things are shaping up, so far we will have as many as 15 Pinto's driving in the Stampede this year. 
It is not too late to sign up, we will staying in both Hotels and Camping depending on your individual preference.
May 17th we will start in Bristol TN. do laps at Bristol Motor Speedway, visit the Woods Bros. Museum, do laps at Martinsville Speedway and stop for the night in Richmond Va.
May 18th we will visit the NRA museum and the Udvar hazy air and space museum in VA. and then head up to Summit Point to meet the racers at a party.
May19th & 20th we will attend the Jefferson 500 races in Summit point WV. and we will also do laps at this road track.
Don't miss out on a great time, a wonderful way to start the season.  Let's do what these cars were meant to, Drive.
email me if you can attend any or all of this event at
visit us on the web at
we are also on facebook and will post our progress here for those who cannot make it