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Hot off the press! Ferrari owner destroys his Ferrari one (1) hour after he bought it in England. Police were unable to tell what kind of car it was it was so destroyed. Driver was ok and maybe a little wiser. I guess all the bad drivers are not in LA.

Brains , Talent and Wealth are not always on the same plate.. Which is why I'm a Seriously defensive driver and need to upgrade to GoPro everywhere I go! :o ;)

Do like the commies and put a dash cam in your car to cover your rear, just in case. BTW the Ferrari was a F40 (only 499 made).


--- Quote from: dick1172762 on July 30, 2017, 10:13:00 AM ---Do like the commies and put a dash cam in your car to cover your rear, just in case. BTW the Ferrari was a F40 (only 499 made).

--- End quote ---

That's 498 and counting.


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