Cryer > SWAG, Calendars, Hats, Stickers.. ETC...
2009 Fab. Fords Attendee's!! Calender Cover Question?
Hey all Fab. Ford Sunday Attendee's, I have a question for you all! Well kind of all of you! LOL
I am making a front page for the 2010 PCCA Calender and I am using Pintos that are in my albums. Some of them are from that show. I want to make sure it is ok with everyone that I use pics of their cars for the front cover? I can't say for sure who's cars I am using, I don't know what car goes with what member! LOL So I figured I would ask here, and if I don't get any "nay's", I'll go ahead and make it!
So is there any problem with me using Fab Ford Sunday Pinto Pics??
No problem with me Kimmy! I'd be proud! Go for it!
I wasn't able to attend FFS But you can snag mine from the Gallery!
--- Quote from: pintosopher on November 06, 2009, 03:34:53 PM ---Kim,
I wasn't able to attend FFS But you can snag mine from the Gallery!
--- End quote ---
Why don't you just send me one of your favorites and I will put it on a month! I need the original pic as when you took it from the camera and put it on you computer. Usually the one's posted on the site are a shrunk down version!!
The front cover I am just putting any pinto on, but wanted to make sure it was ok with the people it may affect, even though I don't know who they are exactly!! LOL ;D
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