It would be a very nice thing if he would attend. I won't be there to witness it, unfortunately, but I feel he should be there. Here's why...
He, as the founder, is a VERY important figure in the history of the Pangra, or the Pinto too for that matter. Without him, they may have never been a Pangra Pinto, and it would not be such a great car EVEN TODAY. Not trying to be a history buff, but if he wants to go down in automotive history, this could be his chance to be remembered by all, or even at least us Pinto fanatics. If Carlisle's 40th Pinto Anniversary is a historical breakthrough for the car club, and the existence and respect for the Ford Pinto is boosted to huge levels, it would be great to have as much possible information about the Pinto/Pangra collected before it is too late.
There are Mustang facts all over the web, lots of history well known to almost everyone you might meet. However, how many people know the history of the founders of their car? Ask the owner of a Mustang Mach 1 and see if they know anything about the founder of it. Could be one more unique step ahead of them that we might get!