Wow, the pictures look so much better on my computer instead of my iPad. LOL IPad was making them look like you only took pics of the front, then back halves of the cars. LOL Thanks for sharing them as I forgot my camera in the rental truck back at the hotel and I just didn't take any with my iPhone.
We finally made it home about 5 pm on Monday. We drove the rental truck to Visalia, spent the night then drove to Fresno and got a part for the truck. Took the rental back and found out we bought the wrong part for the truck. LOL You don't want to know how much the rental was!

LOL At least I didn't spend as much on gas as I thought I was going to, so that helped a little. We ended up nursing the truck home. We think we know what the problem is, but because we only drive it once a year, we are going to find the part the cheaper way then buying it brand new! LOL We have plenty of time to find a good used one. LOL
Other then the truck problem I had a great time. It was great seeing all the familiar Pinto Peeps faces again!!

If gas prices don't sky rocket and we both have paying jobs, lol, I plan on being there next year. That would be the only 2 things that would stop me. I really like getting together with the people from this forum!!