Just sent this out to several Folks based on the route proximity of pins on the Member Map...
If you didn't get the PM (You are not on the Member Map) and you are near the route- PM me so we can try and make this work!
Hello Everyone!
Planning my trip to the Pinto Stampede and I'm using our site's Member Map to try and meet folks on the drive up or back as I always try and do with any trip.
http://www.fordpinto.com/pinto-stampede-2014/embed-test/I will be driving from Northern Alabama to Detroit MI (Dearborn) starting on 7/15 and will arrive in MI 7/17. Planning on Driving back through the 21st/22nd- this may change depending on what's going on.
I would like to meet up with as many folks as I can and see your Pinto's on the way or the return trip. If you are near these areas and these dates and would welcome a drive by Pinto meet, PM me back or text me so we can figure out how to make this work! TXT=256-382-1593
I will be driving up through Nashville TN, Louisville KY, Cincinnati OH, Dayton OH, Toledo OH, then Dearborn MI.
Driving back, Akron OH, Charleston KY, Knoxville TN, Chattanooga TN, Huntsville AL.
I want to make every effort to meet as many Pinto folks as I can even if it adds a day to the trip...
If I missed anyone that is in your area, please forward this to them!
Looking forward to the ride!
Scott Hamilton
Hey Tommy!
The 1/2 way point most likely be Louisville KY? What are your plans to and froe?
Looking forward to riding with you and Sheri.
Hey Dave! aka, 'Sherriff'
Looks like we are going to meet in Detroit- totally different routes.
Did you bring the 'Pink Handcuffs?'

Harley, Will look at the schedule in the next few days and let you know when I will be driving though your area in OH. Hopefully I can catch up with you and Dick- He might want to ride in the front, you know, ... to set the pace and be the smoky bait!
Don't tell Dave!

Oh, another thing- I have installed a CB in the Pinto just for this trip, I will be monitoring CH19 up and back...