Cryer > PCCA/Pinto Media Relations

2022 Carlisle


Anybody go??   Where there some Pintos/Bobcats ??   I missed it this year because of my work schedule.. :-\

Yes, there were about ten present including mine. Three cruising wagons (two white ones and one was painted purple), two Pinto Squire Wagons, a Bobcat Villiager wagon, 1976 Pinto with a matching trailer, Boss 302 Pinto, and several runabouts.

There is a Pinto and Maverick show in August at Geneva on the Lake in Ohio that would be worth a trip as they’ll have more there! Hope you can join us then…

Happy Motoring,

Looks like you represented central Ohio well. I hope to go to Geneva on the lakes this year. Maybe have a Pinto worth showing. \

We’d love to have you there! The more, the better, the merrier!

Happy Motoring!


--- Quote from: Dtmix on June 24, 2022, 07:34:53 AM ---We’d love to have you there! The more, the better, the merrier!

Happy Motoring!

--- End quote ---
I was there in 2018 with my cavalier since the pinto I owned wasn't drivable. Was a lot of fun. Time will tell if I get another by then.

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