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Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by 1972 Wagon on January 23, 2025, 03:58:20 PM »
It seems like recently that no area of the U.S.A. has been spared from severe weather of some type. Florida's seasons are more subtle than areas further north, but I love that cold weather never really lasts long. We've had a few nights below freezing, but by Monday, the temperature is predicted to be 70? again.
Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by rob289c on January 23, 2025, 02:12:26 PM »
That is all very sad.  Hard to fathom how it can happen.  I pray for your wife's cousin and others that have lost possessions and lives.  A lot of people complain about our NY weather, but really, we get 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall are nice, and Winter is really a short annoyance.  We're half way through it at this point.  We don't get hurricanes, tornados (very rare), earthquakes (very rare), tsunamis, wild fires or mudslides.  All in all, our weather isn't horrible, but the hot rods, motorcycles and other toys have to be put away a few months of the year. The NY politics bother me more than the weather.
Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by Wittsend on January 21, 2025, 04:18:58 PM »
We could sure use some of that "solidified dampness" here is So. Cal.. My wife's cousin lost her home (among hundreds..., maybe thousands) in the Altadena "Eaton" fire. The first picture is her location (small circled area near center). Red is destroyed, green some damage, black no damage. Second picture is the house..., well what is left of it.
Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by rob289c on January 21, 2025, 09:52:37 AM »
We're at 12 deg today.  About 8" of snow yesterday.  Over the next few days in Upstate NY we could see snowfalls measured in feet south of Buffalo and up near Watertown.  I'm in the Rochester area and may get another 3-4" tonight and tomorrow.  Thursday we start a warm up with temps in the mid-20's.  Pretty standard stuff for us...stay warm and safe in FL! 
Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by 1972 Wagon on January 20, 2025, 07:29:22 PM »
Tuesday night here in northeast Florida, sleet, ice, and possibly snow are predicted!
Your Project / Re: Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster
« Last post by rob289c on January 20, 2025, 07:05:03 AM »
I haven't done anything or posted anything in a while.  Just saying hello.  Stay warm to any that are in the Polar Vortex!
General Pinto Talk / Re: Convert to newer Disc Brakes
« Last post by rob289c on January 20, 2025, 06:58:34 AM »
I bought a whole Speedway front end kit for my project.  I told the sales rep I was using a STOCK  1980 Pinto crossmember and he suggested I get the kit with tubular lower control arms that eliminated the strut rods.  I won't get into all the gory details but that option didn't work with the factory cross member.  If you are going to  get the aftermarket crossmember, you will have plenty of options for control arms, steering rack, springs, brakes, etc.  The kit comes with GM style, floating caliper front disc brakes.  For the $$$ it is a good value.
General Pinto Talk / Re: Convert to newer Disc Brakes
« Last post by 65ShelbyClone on January 18, 2025, 01:45:46 PM »
That's an interesting option I didn't know about. The Speedway Mustang II crossmembers are only $340, although they don't have universal options like Heidts does. I was going to pull the crossmember out of a '77 parts car I had in order to upgrade my '72 with MII-compatible parts, but determined it was going to be a bigger project than I wanted at the time. I still have all the bolt-on suspension parts, though, so maybe an aftermarket one is still in the cards...
Your Project / Re: Project Warhead
« Last post by Wittsend on January 05, 2025, 12:30:01 PM »
I had a difficult time when I made/welded the floors in my Corvair. Even using press plates, clamps and weighted levers I found a 1 second (or less) weld warped the floor enough that I had to wait 3-4 minutes to do the next weld. And I was using my 100 amp Lincoln MIG on the lowest setting.
Your Project / Re: Project Warhead
« Last post by rob289c on January 05, 2025, 12:23:37 PM »
Good to see you're on it.  Where did you get that section of floor?  Nice piece of material to work with. You have some big gaps to close up and you'll get a lot of practice doing it!  Keep us posted of progress.  I think I'm done with anything substantial on my project unless we get a sustained warming trend.  Happy New Year!
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