Author Topic: 2012 Carlisle, it was fun!  (Read 7142 times)

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Offline Norman Bagi

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2012 Carlisle, it was fun!
« on: June 06, 2012, 07:45:02 PM »
Well it was a good time and the weather had not been that good in a long time.  Upper 70's. We had 11 Pinto's, we missed our regulars, sorry you guys could not make it.  Great to see everyone.  Phil took first place again, he also got the top 50, very cool, I lawys like seeing him and that Pinto.  Brian Berg won for the racing class, (he was the only one in that class) that was the class Bill convinced them to make last year, I think a phone call to get him back in modifieds and eliminate the racing class is in order. John won the modified class, it was great to see that, he deserved it.  He also got my celebrity pick this year, he had the nicest Pinto on the lot to me. (pictures below) We were way on top of the hill, so I set up down on the field on Saturday and missed judging and conversation, sorry I missed it, but i had to do the fundraiser where the people were, it could have been better, but we cleared just over $1,000. I had a blast doing the burnout and the autocross, Steve and I tore it up, his times were better than mine by just under half a second, I guess my heavy nose got in the way, that and he is a better driver, my first time doing that sort of thing.  But the good news is, both of us came in with time better than a Cobra Shelby who was running hard. My burnout tires are pictured below, they had about 200 miles on them before I did the burnout.  They were a set I bought and then found I could get bigger tires to fit so they were never used.  Not much left of them, I gotta do that again next year.  See you all then, GO PINTO!!!!!!!!

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Re: 2012 Carlisle, it was fun!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 11:31:14 AM »
Looks like a blast Norm.
It was great to see you again this year as well as everyone else that made it to Carlisle. Dad & I noticed that the whole car show seemed to have less cars & vendors than before. Still a blast & was glad the rain held off this year.
Matt Manter
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Offline NoForKin

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Re: 2012 Carlisle, it was fun!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 02:11:50 PM »
wow im going to be allowed back in modified its like coming home