Methinks Civil war is on the way. If the gov. thinks that citizens who have lived under freedom ever since the Constitution was ratified are gonna put up with all this stuff, they got it wrong.
It's sad times in America. You know, people are >never< happy. When is the last time a seated President was admonished by a greater percentage of the population? Lots of people hated previous presidents - hmmm...they don't seem so bad now, do they? People so lauded Bush - who at least cared about the country, and tried to protect it. Perfect President? Nah - but who was? THIS current AntiChrist?
People asked for change. To what end? Because the country was so downtrodden? Fools - how can anyone actually BELIEVE that things would always be great, that our world would be at peace, that our economy would always be wonderful, that people would be in the same jobs forever? EVERYTHING in life exists on cycles - the weather, our health, jobs, trends, etc. To think things would always be great is mere foolishness.
And now, with the vote of "change", you will get it. You will get the change that the people who were ELECTED want - not the change YOU want. The problem is, once the wrong people get into power, and start pushing agendas which literally tear at the fabric of our social, moral and ethical beliefs, you have big trouble.
People are greedy. People expect something for nothing. People expect fairness. People expect equal rights and treatment. WAKE UP people. All of these things are what people in Communist North Korea, Communist China, and Socialist Russia GET. They are poor, they have no rights (which IS an "equal right), they have no say in anything. Apparently this is what America wants, because they voted in the man who will hand it to them - The Socialist, non-citizen, non-American, power and greed loving mongrel who promised EVERYTHING to the common man, but couldn't give a damn.
Gee....sounds like so many other world leaders, no?
And finally, here on the PCCA board, reading all of this, I have to ask myself - am I wasting so much time and money on this car? Yes, I probably am. I suppose it would be a better idea to buy a Prius, paint my roof white, plaster my car with vegetarian and anti-fur messages, install solar panels, learn to endure heat better so I don't burn fossil fuels, spend less time breathing so I can reduce my carbon footprint, and watch Oprah, who is, after all, one of His Majesty's biggest fans.
Maybe, just maybe then - I'd fit in with the current American vision. :showback: