Author Topic: 2015 Summer Pinto Race Night !! ALL Pintos Invited!!  (Read 11670 times)

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2015 Summer Pinto Race Night !! ALL Pintos Invited!!
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:38:25 PM »
Join the Pinto Summer Event for August 15th! at the Irwindale Speedway in California.     The Street and Race Pintos Meet!!
For the past couple of years, the Pintobarn has hosted a Pinto Summer beach cruise in mid August. They were a lot of fun and we had good times and good turnouts, but I promised everyone this year we would do something different, I just wasn't sure what it was.
 I'm happy to say that with the help of Steve Patterson​ , Nevada Chovan​ , and Hugh from the Irwindale Speedway, we have come up with a fun summer event that you won't want to miss. I'm going to reach out to any and all Pinto owners in California and beyond to join in the fun. Clear your calendars and get that Pinto tuned up!! Whether it's bone stock survivor, or a muscled up V-8 or turbo Pinto, wagon, hatchback, or trunk Pinto....... Everyone is invited, the more Pintos we have the better!
So what's the event???
Well, the Pintos are racing that night, and the street Pintos will all get in FREE ( you can't beat FREE) . The street Pintos will do a couple of parade laps around the speedway and we will all park inside next to the stands and basically have our own car show. We can all meet the drivers ( nice guys and gals), watch the races, root on your favorite Pinto and basically have a great time.
This is the only West Coast ALL Pinto event that I know of and we want to see everyone come out, have a fun time, and support the drivers! They work hard on these cars, just like you and I, so I thought it was long overdue that the Pinto race community and the street Pinto community got together.
7 pintos and counting...

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Re: 2015 Summer Pinto Race Night !! ALL Pintos Invited!!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 08:58:53 AM »
Pinto Barn
For the weekend, gates open at 4pm, on track autograph session starts at 5:45pm, racing at 7pm
7 pintos and counting...