Author Topic: front page SEMA warning  (Read 33687 times)

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Offline Wittsend

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2009, 08:29:16 PM »
I wonder if this related to things like when Shelby found 40+ Cobra chassis with 1966 VIN #'s.  My assumption is that under the old law they were 1966 cars regardless of the fact that they did not became a viable car until 30+ years later.

Anyway, my '73 Pinto has a Pinto "designed" motor.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Offline pintoman2.0

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2009, 10:57:17 PM »
I just happened to read the first posts to this. I had to laugh my head off. You guys are complaining about how hard the next four years are? Wait 'till you see H.J. Res. 5.             

  House Considers Repealing 22nd Amendment

Earlier this year, Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y. introduced H. J. Res. 5, a
bill that would repeal the Constitution’s 22nd Amendment which prohibits a president from
being elected to more than two terms i office, thus potentially paving the way to make Barack Obama president for life. Not surprisingly, the corporate media currently caught up
in Obama-mania has not covered this story.

“Will George W. Bush end up being the last true U.S. President?” asked Sher
Zieve, writing for the Canadian Free Press on Januar 14. “ As I warned you
on mulple times20prior to the 2008 General Election,

‘Once Obama is elected, we won’t be able to get rid of him.’ Tragically, this
warning is now being realized. Not only has Obama established his election-fraud
organization ACORN nationwide, his adherents have now begun the process to
repeal the U.S. Constitution’s 22nd A mendment.”

See the proof on any of these websites.

Lets repeal the 22nd amendment so the "Chosen One" can become our new supreme dictator for life! We better get our $2500 a piece for them now or we will be outlaws later, We will have invested our time and money in something we can't use or sell.

Hey Feinstein!!! :showback:

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2009, 10:41:51 AM »
Methinks Civil war is on the way. If the gov. thinks that citizens who have lived under freedom ever since the Constitution was ratified are gonna put up with all this stuff, they got it wrong.

It's sad times in America. You know, people are >never< happy. When is the last time a seated President was admonished by a greater percentage of the population? Lots of people hated previous presidents - hmmm...they don't seem so bad now, do they? People so lauded Bush - who at least cared about the country, and tried to protect it. Perfect President? Nah - but who was? THIS current AntiChrist?

People asked for change. To what end? Because the country was so downtrodden? Fools - how can anyone actually BELIEVE that things would always be great, that our world would be at peace, that our economy would always be wonderful, that people would be in the same jobs forever? EVERYTHING in life exists on cycles - the weather, our health, jobs, trends, etc. To think things would always be great is mere foolishness.

And now, with the vote of "change", you will get it. You will get the change that the people who were ELECTED want - not the change YOU want. The problem is, once the wrong people get into power, and start pushing agendas which literally tear at the fabric of our social, moral and ethical beliefs, you have big trouble.

People are greedy. People expect something for nothing. People expect fairness. People expect equal rights and treatment. WAKE UP people. All of these things are what people in Communist North Korea, Communist China, and Socialist Russia GET. They are poor, they have no rights (which IS an "equal right), they have no say in anything. Apparently this is what America wants, because they voted in the man who will hand it to them - The Socialist, non-citizen, non-American, power and greed loving mongrel who promised EVERYTHING to the common man, but couldn't give a damn.

Gee....sounds like so many other world leaders, no?

And finally, here on the PCCA board, reading all of this, I have to ask myself - am I wasting so much time and money on this car? Yes, I probably am. I suppose it would be a better idea to buy a Prius, paint my roof white, plaster my car with vegetarian and anti-fur messages, install solar panels, learn to endure heat better so I don't burn fossil fuels, spend less time breathing so I can reduce my carbon footprint, and watch Oprah, who is, after all, one of His Majesty's biggest fans.

Maybe, just maybe then - I'd fit in with the current American vision.  :showback:

Restoring a 1976 MPG wagon - purchased 6/08

Offline Carolina Boy

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2009, 12:22:44 PM »
Now I am really scared of "THAT" government. I'll say now that I WILL NOT CONFORM!!!!! They cas kiss my :showback: :nocool: :mad:
Thanks for enlighting us to Dictator Obamy and his Socialist Comrades. Time to stock up!
Now do you believe we can't vote our way out of this? ^Time for a military coup?
If life gives you a lemon, squeeze it in your moonshine and buy a Pinto.

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2009, 01:31:17 PM »
I just LOVE being a rebel!!  ;D ;D ;D

I love my country, but I hate what is happening to it and hate even more to think what it will be like when I retire...
If my cars ARE banned, I will just have to open a museum and profit from it.
They surely cannot (read WILL NOT) take my own cars from me as long as I am alive...
-Rob Young
1978 Pinto Pony sedan (Old Faithful) a.k.a. "the Tramp"
1972 Cutlass Supreme Convertible (442 clone) -"Lady" (My mistress...)
1986 Cutlass Supreme Coupe - "Pristine"
1997 H-D Sportster

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2009, 01:44:08 PM »
CB when they git done kissin your :showback: they can kiss my  :showback: to.
when ever  you get ready to start blowin the horn i will bring the horses.  :mad:

CB better wear your old pants the horses are miniture and your knees might drag
Smallfryefarms Horsepower Ranch

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2009, 08:38:55 PM »
He's a cavalryman. CB has a horse or two...
One can never have too many Pintos!

Offline Carolina Boy

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2009, 08:56:35 PM »
Only one left there Blu, Belem the Bold, 17 hands.  :rolleye:
If life gives you a lemon, squeeze it in your moonshine and buy a Pinto.

Offline pintomagic

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2010, 05:23:48 PM »
These guys , just want all your money . Is the status symbol better ?
There are alot of crooks in Gov,t . In Canada too .
Alot of them are members of secret societies . learn about them , who really runs the country . Yours and mine .

Offline entropy

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2010, 12:06:03 AM »
Strong message follows:

Barak Obama and his party can shampoo my crotch.

That is all.

1972 Hoonabout
SBF swap
-308 cid
-CNC ported Brodix heads
-Edelbrock Super Victor intake
-QuickFuel 750 double pumper built by Siebert
-Single stage NOS Cheater system
8" rear 4.11 posi
G-Force 5 Speed
10 point rollcage

450-ish rwhp on motor.....some thing a bit more than that on the spray

Offline Carolina Boy

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2010, 08:21:25 PM »
If November doesn't have a good outcome from republicans (taking back Congress), Seccession anyone?????
If life gives you a lemon, squeeze it in your moonshine and buy a Pinto.

Offline Srt

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Re: front page SEMA warning
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2010, 04:49:36 AM »
Strong message follows:

Barak Obama and his party can shampoo my crotch.

That is all.


My sentiments exactly.
the only substitute for cubic inches is BOOST!!!